The Office Manager’s Guide To Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS)

23 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

As an office manager, you know that power outages can cause a major disruption for your business. In order to ensure that your operations run smoothly, even when the power goes out, it's important to have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system in place. Read on to learn more about UPS systems and how they can benefit your business. What Is A UPS? A UPS is an important device to have in your home or office if you want to ensure that you stay up and running during power outages. Read More 

How to Use Thermal Imaging Drones for Your Business

29 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

The use of drones is becoming increasingly popular across various industries for their ability to capture images and data from hard-to-reach places. One type of drone that is particularly well-suited for industrial and commercial applications is the thermal imaging drone. Thermal imaging drones use special cameras to detect infrared radiation, which allows them to create heat maps of an area. This info can be used to identify leaks in roofs or solar panels, detect hot spots in electrical equipment or locate people or animals in search and rescue operations. Read More 

3 Vital Considerations When Purchasing Patch Leads for Your Application

20 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Patch leads or patch cords are electronic or optical data cables that aid in facilitating signal routing between two electronic or optical devices. There are numerous patch leads on the current market used in different set-ups. Because of that, patch cords have gradually evolved into multiple varieties to suit the needs of different applications and market demands. With so many patch lead types, you need to know how to find the ideal one to suit your requirements. Read More 

Why Should You Purchase a Thermal Imaging Drone When You Manage a Solar Panel Field?

30 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are the owner of a solar panel field, or if you are in charge of maintaining one, then you might need to invest in certain equipment that can make your job easier and more efficient. For example, you should think about buying one or more thermal imaging drones. These drones can be incredibly useful for someone who manages a solar panel field for these reasons and more. They're Effective for Detecting Problems With Solar Panels Read More 

Tips for Proper Installation of Patch Leads

24 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Excellent communication within and without a company is crucial to its success. Notably, a sound communication system hinges on a reliable network that experiences minimum downtime. However, the effectiveness of network devices depends on correct installation. This article highlights vital tips for proper installation of patch leads. Read on for more information. Bending Radius When installing network cables in the workplace, you need to pay close attention to the bend radius, which is usually located around the corners of a building. Read More